Pvt Charles J Shutt

Members of the Pvt. Charles J. Shutt Marine Corps League Detachment join together in camaraderie and fellowship for the purpose of preserving the traditions and promoting the interests of the USMC (United States Marine Corps) in the Boston, MA area. Supporting the Community since 1959.
Come join the Marines of the Pvt Shutt Detachment the 1st Thursday of the month.
215 Mt Auburn St., Watertown, MA
Semper Fi!

  • The Quarters of the Pvt Shutt Detachment

  • Celebrating the Marine Corps Birthday every November 10th

  • The Iwo Jima Memorial honors the Marine Corps.

  • Honoring the Traditions of the Marine Corps.

  • Remembering the Dedication to Country and Corps.


The Members of the Pvt Shutt Detachment dedicate time throughout the State of Massachusetts in remembering USMC Veterans and those who served our country with Honor.

The Detachment provides ceremonial details and rifle firing details on an one by one case. Approval for ceremony participation by our members is made by our Detachment Commandant and Detachment Chaplain dependant on availabilty and scheduling.


The members of the Pvt Shutt Detachment volunteer their time to charities that support the community. The Pvt Shutt Detachment is a main contributor to Toys for Tots, always surpassing their goals and bringing joy to the children who benefit from the efforts from the toy drive. Keep an eye out for the 2025 Annual Toy Drive at the Detachment.

We are currently not scheduled to participate in the annual toy drive this fiscal year due to some regulation changes.

The Pvt Shutt Detachemnt also sponsors a College Scholarship for patriotic applicants. The scholarship is drawn on Memorial day every year. See the Events section for the current application. Contact the The Detachment for more information.


The Marines and associate members of The Pvt Shutt Detachment pride themselves in keeping the traditions of the United States Marines Corps and of all our Honorable Veterans.

The Detachment sponsors and presents the traditional Marine Corps Birthday on every November 10th in which all Marines are welcomed to attend at the Detachment.

The Detachment also participates in Pearl Habor Day, The Memorial Day Parade of Watertown and Veterans Day.


NOTE: Meetings are on the 1st Thursday of the month.
Held in the second floor meeting room
All Marines, retired or discharged under favorable conditions are welcome at every meeting. Member or not.
215 Mt Auburn St., Watertown, MA

2017 Pvt Shutt Detachment Scholarship
Applications are being taken for the 2017 scholarship.
Applications are due into the detachment May 2, 2017.
Award of scholarship will be on May 29, 2017, Memorial Day at the Detachment during the Memorial Day Ceremonies at the Detachment.

#1 Increased Membership

The Pvt Charles Detachemnt continues its mission by increasing its membership with the best of the best in the Boston Marine Corps Veteran Pool.

Most Marine Membership

Golf Tournament 2016

Friday, June 17, 2016 thank you, the Pvt Shutt Detachment Golf Tournament is one of our major fundraisers for the Detachment. The annual cost to keep the Detachment operating is greatly assisted by the tournament. This includes electric, gas, trash and insurance. It also helps in allowing us to have our two major open houses, Memorial Day and the Marine Corps Birthday. It also helps us do what we can to service our area Veterans.

Please consider sponsoring a Tee or a Hole, maybe in memory of a loved one. It is a great way to support the Detachment. If you are interested in golfing and / or sponsoring please find more information here and return it to the Detachment.

Sea Cadet Training

Operation Red Coast training was completed this weekend and a large reason for it's success was due to the contribution of the six instructors from the Shutt detachment. The 50 cadets attending the training received professional instruction on boarding and raiding enemy vessels using the new Miles II M4 weapons and the MP7 weapons provided by our instructor group. ... In fact, in time for the Marine Corps Birthday, and new award for our detachment for our Detachment's assistance.

Pvt Shutt Detachment Sea Cadet Training Award 2015